Yes, from a dream. After the adrenaline we felt the first time we dived in Australia, we were convinced that this experience was something we wanted to repeat. That day, we knew that our life was going to change and that a wonderful new adventure was about to begin. We immediately embarked on a diving trip to Southeast Asia. We remember that day in 2012, when we did our first dive in Thailand, as if it were yesterday.
We would be lying if we told you that the only thing that impressed us was the clarity of the water or the marine life. Something else struck us: THE EXPERIENCE.

The navigation to the dive site, the group descent, the sensation of flying, not being subject to gravity, the never-ending smiles we shared after the ascent, and that enormous joy that continued until the next day. All this convinced us of two things: the first, that we wanted to dedicate ourselves to diving. The second, that we not only wanted to dive but we wanted to share with the whole world what we felt that day: ABSOLUTE HAPPINESS. This is how we started. We left our old ways of life behind, became professionals, and began to dream of creating our own experience. It was thus that in 2016, our Good Vibes Diving (GVD) school was born and, together with it, the dream of sharing the true essence of diving: THE HAPPINESS OF DOING IT. As we said, this started from a dream. Today we don’t want to wake up.